When you two got together

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You and Haruhi have been friends since elementary school. And then when you found out that she is going to the same high school as you you were very happy. But then that's when you found out. She was posing to be a male, so you just decided to go along with it and be the good friend and not tell anyone that she was actually a female and not a male. You started hanging out with her at the host club and then that's when you met your new crush Tamaki.

" Y/n?" You were sitting in the school garden after hours drawing. You shifted your gaze to see Haruhi.

" Hey girl. Whatcha doing?" She asked as she sat down next to you.

" drawing. Arnt ya so post to be at the host club?" You asked her smiling.

" yea, but arnt you so post to be confessing your love for you know who?" She asked suggestively and wiggled her eyebrows.

" Haruhi! Stop it!" You cried out in laughter.

" Besides your not there and The twin are trying to get me to dress in one of they're crazy outfits." She shook her head into a laugh.

" And Tamaki has been bugging me where you've been and it annoying. You giggled along with her and then got up.

" well then let's go." You smiled to her. You both got up and started to walk back I to the school. But little did you know that a blond headed teen was secretly listening.

" Y/n likes someone?" The blond boy asked with slight sadness. Ponding over what he just heard. Tamaki then lazily walked into the school to sad to care about where he was going. Fed up on how he was acting and ran to the music room 3 to get what he loved back to him.

He ran into the room to see everyone laughing and talking but then suddenly stop when he came in. You looked over and smile and waved.

" Y/n. " Tamaki lunged twords you. Then he hugged you in a bear hug. And started to cry over drastically. " MY BEAUTIFUL Y/N IS LEAVING ME!!!" You slightly blushed then you screeched for him to get away.

" Tamaki-Sempi? Why are you so sad?" You asked him after he went to his emo corner. " because y/n-chan is leaving me for her crush..." He muttered sadly under his breath. Your heart broke at his statement. But then it gave you and idea.

" do you wanna meet him?" You asked him. He jumped and then dramatically started to wail and cry again." I dont wanna meet the male who took you away. "

" well he's in this room." You smiled. He then perked up and then gasped, you smiled thinking he got it. " YOUR IN LOVE WITH KYOYA?" He screamed like a girl. Then you laughed." No silly. He right here. In front of me. He's you." You laughed then took him by his collar and smashed your lips from his. You then looked up into his blushing face after you parted. He did nothing but stare. Your heart dropped thinking he rejected you  " Baka." You got angry at your self. You turned to leave but then a hand stopped you.
" I see no Baka's here. All I see is your beautiful face. " he then leaned in and kissed you. While you were kissing you heard a click. You jumped back from each other. " I-I umm." You stuttered. Your face was redder than a tomatoe when you saw the twin with a camera.

" Hey, at least you weren't in love with kyoya." You laughed as Tamaki pulled you in for a hug.

" my princess."


You and the hosts were hanging out after all the guests have left you were a usual costumer and you usually helped out in cleaning up. But today you and the hosts were playing games.

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