Preggers!Mori X Reader Part 2/2

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Your P.O.V

You smiled to yourself as you walked down the gigantic staircase with Hunny to dinner. You finally felt relieved, from the talk that Hunny and you had. " Y/n..." Your husband said as you sat next to you.

" Are you feeling better?" He asked gently. You nodded and smiled sweetly.

" Yes. I'm feeling better. Thank you." You nodded towards him. He nodded back and you began to eat. After awhile of eating you decided to ask the question.

" Mori?" You asked putting down your fork and turned your eyes to him. He nodded gifting you with his eye contact.

" Mori, what would you think about having a child. I mean I've been thinking of it and I reall-" he interrupted you with a strict reply.

" Y/n. We are not going to have a child. Not now, we don't have enough time to properly care for one. We have already had this conversation before have we not?" He spoke quickly and sternly.  Your eyes widened and all the depression, doubt, and sadness crashed back in. You tried to hide your crippling depression with a nod and a smile.

" Okay...." you responded and continued to eat. You kept your eyes down casted. You felt the stare from your husband and the glare from Hunny, because you didn't do the thing he said to do.
You couldn't eat. You didn't want to, the shock of being pregnant, Mori not wanting a child. Everything. You wondered how he would take it. How you would tell him. You abruptly stood up.

Not making eye contact with anyone you excused yourself.
" I'm tired again. I'm going back to bed."
You ignored the protests from your table mates and left the table.

You walked into your room and sat on the bed. Soon a knock came to the door and Mori walked into your guys' room. He sat next to you and pulled you into his embrace. You cuddled closer to him. The two of you sat there in each other's arms not talking. Just bonding until sleep covered your vision. And you fell in a deep sleep.

The next morning.

You peacefully woke up in the warm embrace from behind. You laid in bed basking in the warmth of Mori.

' I have to do it. I have to do something....'

You gently caressed your stomach.   You smiled to yourself thinking about having a child. " I'm going to keep you. No matter what." You said aloud to your future child.

" Hmm?" A sudden voice surprised you. Your eyes widened and you turned around to see Mori now half awake. You couldn't help but giggle, your heart melted at the sight of it.

" Nothing I was just talking to myself. Good morning." You smiled at your waking husband

" Morning."

A week later.

Every day has been horrible. You had to wake up before Mori everyday at the crack of dawn so he couldn't see you throwing up. Your constant mood swings made him suspicious but he brushed it off. You've had it constantly on your mind and the thoughts of your child would not decease.

" What am I actually going to do." You sat on the grass outside pondering with yourself.

" That's it!! I'll Ask Haruhi about how she told Tamaki that she was pregnant!" You jumped up in desperation thinking about Haruhis first child with Tamaki. You rushed out of the manse and didn't bother to get a car. You speed walked to town. And from there you would run to Haruhi's and Tamaki's house. As you were passing the buildings you couldn't help but feel warmth that Haruhi could help you.

A sudden scream pierced through the air. Your head snapped towards the street to see a child walking into the middle of the street. The frantic mother was screaming for her child to come back, as a car came racing down the hill.

You didn't think. You just ran. You sprinted across not thinking. You pushed the child out of the way. You wrapped your arms around your stomach in effort to protect your own child. A forced threw you across the street. Your body went to a skid and then a sudden jolt. You couldn't hear or see anything. The pain so severe you couldn't even feel it. Darkness prevailed into your eyes.

Everything went dark.


Y/n laid in a hospital bed. Very scratched up. But safe. After you were hit by the car someone called the hospital and they transferred you there. You've been there for about an hour now just sleeping.

In the entrance of the hospital a tall handsome man sprinted in a look of worry evident on his face. He sprinted down the halls looking for the room where Y/n was held.
As soon as he got there he rushed in. 

He almost cried with happiness that you weren't too badly injured. He rushed to your side and held your hand.  Right after the doctor came in. 

" Dr. Collins. Is she okay? How hurt is she?" Mori rushed the questions. Dr.Collins laughed and smiled. She answered his questions.

" Y/n is fine.  A few scratches and bruises is all she got. The baby will live as well. Thank god the child is doing fine. It was very heroic to push that kid out of the way. She going to be a great mom." The doctor smiled at the sleeping Y/n. Mori stood motionless staring at Dr.Collins.

" Child?" He could barely let out. The doctor skeptically looked at him and nodded.

" Yes. She is one Month pregnant." Like a light bulb Dr.Collins finally got it. Y/n was hiding it from her husband.

"Oh. I'll take my leave goodbye." The doctor left without saying anything else.

" Mori?" A sweet and soothing voice called out to him.  Mori turned around to see Y/n Fully Awake.

" Why didn't you tell me." He blurred out. Y/n looked confused then it dawned to her.

She had trouble with her words.
" I-I asked you and you said you didn't want a child so I had to hide it from you.  AND AND and I'm sorry." She burst into tears.

Mori swept her into his embrace.
" It's fine.Shhhh.It's okay. I want the child. I just didn't know if I was ready. But I am. I love you and that will never change. I love you Y/n. And I love our child. No matter what." Y/n cried even harder hugging Mori.

" I love you too. Thank you."

Awww so Cute!!!! XD

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