Preggers! Mori X Reader part 1/2

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I hope you guys all like this! I really enjoyed writing it. Tell me what you think about Evelyn! She's my editor and she's super duper nice, if you have questions just ask and she'll answer.

But here we go! Read on, and don't cry!

Your P.O.V

You stood there in shock as you saw the pregnancy stick.

'Postitive..... its positive.... I'm pregnant.... I'm acually pregnant..'

The horror finally took its toll on you and you crumpled to the bathroom floor. You felt a few warm tears fall out of your eyes. You dropped the test and held your stomach. You started to rub your hands over it.

' A child in here? I'm having a child? What... what will Mori say......' you asked yourself referring to your husband. You wiped the remaining tears. You felt your stomach one more time and looked at the test for the tenth.

You slowly got up and picked the test up as well. You grabbed it in your hands and you unlocked the door and ran down the stairs of your mansion. You quickly ran outside to where you keep the trash and threw it in.

Your breathing intensified. 'He doesn't want a child! What will happen? Will he leave me? Will he hate me.'

horrible thoughts entered your mind as you started to shiver. You started to sob and cry. The sobs racked down your back as you fell to the floor once more.

" Y/n?!?!" You heard a desperate cry as someone pulled you into a strong and warm hug.

" What wrong? Why are your crying? Did someone do something to you?" The person growled at the last question. You were turned around to face you husband with a concerned face.

" I-I'm F-fine...." you tried to wipe the tears as the kept falling.
' He doesn't know...'

" Then why are you crying, Did I hurt you?" Mori's Soft voice made you cry even harder when he asked if he did something wrong.

" Y/n..." You pulled him close and. Buried your face into his chest.
" It's n-nothing, I-i just realized something horrible..." you slightly faked. Mori grabbed you face and looked into it.

" What is it?" He questioned his eyes staring into yours.

" I'm on my period and we have no chocolate or pads. I need more tampons also." You bluntly stated covering your feelings once again. Mori's face became red and his eyes widened.

" I'll go to the store, be right back." He helped you up and guided you back to the manse and sat you down before leaving strait out the door.

You looked down. ' What will I do?' That was the one question you kept on asking yourself. You sat in silence waiting for your husband. Thirty minutes later he came back with a bag. He set it down and sat next to you.

" Don't blame me if I start to cry again." You muttered as you wiped your hand over you face. He shook his head and looked at you.

"It's fine.... Are you sure your alright?" He softly asked before you nodded your head.

" Everything is fine." You mumbled back. Even the sight of him made you scared.

'I'm with child. I have a child........ He won't want it. I've already talked to him about having one and he said he doesn't want a child yet.'

" Y/n?" His voice made you nods your head. " I'm just tired. Let me sleep." You gave him a sideways glance and got up and walked away upstairs.

You quickly changed into your pajamas even though it was midday. You silently slipped into your bed and closed your eyes. You payed on your back and put your hand on your stomach and sighed.

' How long can I hide it from him? How would I tell him.'

Soon slumber took its toll on you and you fell asleep. Dreams your only way out from reality.


You woke up with a startle as someone slightly shook you. There stood a very young boy.

" Oh, Hunny. Hello." You smiled as you got up and rubbed your eyes. Your Cousin in law stood there smiling.

" Hi Y/n-Chan! How was your sleep? Dinner is ready." He cheered as he pulled your hand. You nodded not making eye contact.

" Y/n? Takashi did say something was up......What's wrong." He sat down next to you and asked worriedly.

" I.....Ummmm.... Its, Nothing..." you trailed off starting to twiddle your thumbs. Hunny gave you a skeptical look and then continued to pester you.

" Something wrong and I know it. If you can't tell Takashi then you can tell me." Hunny' childish eyes became serious.

" I'm hiding something.... and I think it might hurt Takakshi's and mine marriage...." you whispered.
A hand squeezed your arm. You looked at hunny his eyes full of surprise.

" Did you cheat on him?" Hunny's voice was deadly serious. Tears sprung to your eyes as you pulled your hand away.

" Why would I ever?!?! I love him, I love Takashi than anything! That's absurd to say!" You snapped at him.

" I'm pregnant all right?! I'm pregnant with Takashi's baby!" You cried out putting your hands to your face.

" Really?!? That's amazing! Wait... why are your crying? You don't want to be pregnant?" He generally asked after rambling about how happy he was.

" N-no, I want the baby. Whoever they are I love my child. B-but I don't know I-if T-takashi wants it. I-be a-asked h-him before about having a child and he said he's not ready for one yet..." you whispered tears continued down your face. Hunny instantly pulled you into a hug.

" shhhh, It's okay. It's okay... Takashi is an amazing person. He will love the baby. Besides he probably changed his mind. Now let's go down to dinner." He smiled brightly at you. You warmed up smiling back to him and nodded.

" Wait..... I'm in my pajamas."

Part two coming up.

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