Yandere! Hikaru X Reader

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Y'all please someone ask me some questions Im super duper bored. - And y'all should check out this hoe.HRHonline they're Yandere are just 👌🏻👌🏻~ Evelyn❣️

⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️

Unknown P.O.V

"I don't really even know where to start with Y/n..... I mean, her life changed so drastically I wouldn't blame her if she were to take her own life. She was so nice, so pretty, I KNOW she did not deserve any of the things that happened to her. I loved to sit next to her and just listen to her , just sit, laugh, listen, and smile. Gosh....her smile lit up every room! I remember always wanting to be friends with her, I mean who wouldn't?

I also remembered everyone loving her, wanting to be with her, wanting to date her... but there was one person who gave her a special look. Who I remember giving her at first small glances, then as the days grew on, he gave her longer, bigger glances. Until, his eyes never left her, always trained on her staring at her body. For a while, I just believed he had a small crush on her, that red head who always stared. But then I noticed small, but weird behavior. I would find if any male would also, get closer to Y/n  he would slowly inch his way closer to her. I had every class with her, so did the red head, who I've never learned his name...

This one day I do remember the best out of all those memories.
An upper classmate, a softmore by the name of Tamaki hit on her. But unlike the rest he kissed her. I tried to tell him to stop, for how I saw the ginger responding. His amber eyes flared with something so dark I can't even describe.

The next day that blond Tamaki, never showed up to school. Or the next day, or weeks to come. I always did wonder what happened to the poor soul, although I did figure out in the end.

Then things started to get worse. Any boy that would even talk to Y/n Mysteriously disappeared. Soon no one talked to her. But people still stared, and still whispered.

Then in Language arts we had a project. It was three partners, and I got paired with the carrot head who I later learned was Hikaru, and my dear Y/n. Y/n was always a small but suspicious of Hikaru, and a small but scared of his temper, but she showed no signs of it and talked freely to us.

I'm a girl, so thankfully
Hikaru took no notice in me. At that time at least... the bell rung, and everyone jumped up to dash out of class, Hikaru followed Y/n out eagerly. I remember hearing a thud, a note book lay on the floor.

I picked it up. I opened it, inside were names scrawled out, miss shaped words, and various paragraphs of missing persons. I came to soon realize that those were the boys. The ones who spoke to Y/n....

I shoved the book into my bag and bolted to not my next class, but Y/n's. As I ran out the door I remember bumping into someone, I ran to her class not turning back to say sorry to who I bumped into.

Now I know it was Hikaru.

So long story short,

I ran to tell Y/n that it was Hikaru who killed everyone that's why they're missing! And to get away from him as soon as possible. But then soon as the halls were clear,  and I walked not in a rush to get to her class, something was placed over my mouth. And then a wheezing feeling coursed throughout me.

My eyes rolled back, and my eyes closed. Darkness.

I woke up to the smell of copper and rotting. At first everything was black, but when my eyes adjusted I saw I was in a ware house. I looked around, lumpy things scattering the floor. I was sitting on a chair, yet I couldn't get up. My whole body was aching, I looked down. I was tied up.

My eyes tracked to the side of me to the floor. Something caught my eye. Yellow. Fuzzy. Hair like. Blond? But red at the same time..

It struck me like a bullet. Hikaru Kidnapped me. A warm breath down my neck made me shutter. A cold feel of steel layered on my wrist.

" Don't fuck with me." Then a stabbing pain slit from my wrist to my shoulder blazed out. Then the other arm, my screams of agony couldn't be heard.

I slowly felt dizzy. As the minuets passed the pain got worse, and so did my dizziness. I felt my body slacken my eyes bulged. And my life seeped out of my body. If I remember correctly. "

I look up, finishing my statement. A carrot head in front of me. All around us pure holy white.

" Hikaru of Earth. Have anything to plea your case to enter heaven?" The words easily slip out of my mouth.

" She's too innocent. She... no one but me can touch her! She's mine... Mine! She's in there... she's in heaven... I know it.....I killed her so we could be in heaven together, forever." His voice distorts with insanity.

I look at him in disgust. " You mean Y/n? Oh yes. She is in here. She's such a beautiful girl. You know I introduced her to a very nice boy. And they seem to be hitting it right off." I know it's cruel, well not really. But I know what will make him angry. I am a holy being! This is his test. If he does right, I just might put him in purgatory to wash him of his sins.

His eyes cross, his teen gnash. " DONT YOU DARE FUCKING DO THIS. LET ME IN YOU ANGEL BASTARD. YOU DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT, LET ME IN TO KILL HIM!" I smile. I know he was going to do this, that's exactly how I expected him to act.

" You will never be welcomed to the home of God, and the land of the Holy. Rot for eternity in the fiery pits of Hell." I point to the only non white object in the room, a black door. It opened, from inside was a stair case of 100,000 steps. But even from this height I can still hear the screams of fear, the screams of pain, and the screams of plea. Hikaru stared wide eye at the door, he switched to me and launched himself at me.

I held my hand out stopping him mid air.

" Thou shall not touch an Angel. Gods grace is not in your favor. Have fun in hell." I flicked my hand to the side throwing him into the abyss of stairs. Cries screamed out, but not once did regret enter me.

" Next." A little blond girl walked in through the two French silvery white doors.

" I am Tomya, an Arch Angel of Heaven. And Angel of Gods will. Confess your sins and you may enter the kingdom of heaven. You child have died at a young age where your guardian Angel is still watching you. Those of young ages may enter. Welcome to the kingdom of heaven."

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