When you died

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Such a happy book. Correct? Thought bout this one when I was at a funeral a week ago. Hope y'all don't get triggered. Any-one seen ' Ready Player One.' It was freaking amazing i just cannot express how awesome it was. i saw it a week or so ago, and im still fingerling over it. and might i say, Parzival is pretty hot. and up there is my precious and sexy lotor.


- He just curled up into a ball with your daughter and cried for a few days strait.

- Every weekend he puts new flowers on your Grave, and every year he puts a different picture of him and your daughter, so you might see how she's grown.

- He never re-married in honor of you.


- He created a gigantic shrine indoor house dedicated to you. 

- Although the two of you only recently had a new-born, In which you died from birth, he took care of her everyday, and was both the father and mother figure in her life.

- He had a hard time thinking of re-marring, but he ended up doing it. Although, he told his new wife. " I love you, but i loved some-one before. You cannot take the place in my heart for her. Just know that." Although it freaked her out at first she ended up agreeing and they get married. Kyoya although refused to have any children with her.


- He knew you loved baking, so he opened up a bakery named " Y/n's sweets."

- The two of you never had children because you were unable to conceive them. So he spent most of his life fostering children, and giving them a home.


- Went into depression. 

-  One day a vision of you came to him saying " don't worry, every little thing's gunna be alright."


- The two of you had twins who were five years old when you died of sickness. The three of them have never been closer, Hikaru taking care of them, them cheering him up.

- Hikaru died before your children got married but they both had something  in common. they named their children after their parents.


- cried for a looooooooooooooooonnngggg time. 

- Every year he made a celebration to honor you, on your anniversary of death.

- He remarried, but everything felt wrong, and he knew he didn't love the new bride as much as he loved you.

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