If he was your brother.

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• he's over protective, like really over protective. He hates you being near any males except the Host club members.

•He low key gets jealous of your relationship with Haruhi because you two are best friends. Once to spend more time with Haruhi he dressed up as you.

•On with the topic of him being obsessed with Haruhi he always try's to get you to talk about her. But you shit him up by blackmailing him with. " If you don't shut up I'll show her your secret shrine dedicated in her honor."

•If there was one word to describe him it would be.....Tick. He's like a Tick. He's always hugging you or around you, for instance.  One time when you were trying to get away from him you ran into the girls bathroom. You stayed in there for at least and hour. But when you got out, he was sitting in a corner eating Ramen waiting for you.

• Besides all the bad things, he deeply cares for you. He'll beat off any guy that asks you out.

• Also on the topic of dating, he said you can date anyone in the Host club. But then he realized the twins were in the the Host club. Apparently, now your not allowed to date anyone.

• One time he thought you were dying, when he saw blood in the bathroom trash can, and you had to explain to him what it was. You may have not been dying, but his innocence clearly died that day.


• He may not say a lot of stuff but when he does, he means it. He's always protecting you, and always by your side when your in need.

•He may not look like it, but he really gets lonely whenever your not with him. Once when you got mad and left the house, he sat by your door for two days strait waiting for you.

• He calls you Birdie, because when you were kids you always loved him picking you up and swinging you around like a bird.

• He never tries to harm any of the boys that ask you out or you hang out with, but he is always in the extra look out for you.

•One time when you were kids, you for so scared from a nightmare, you were crying and sobbing in a corner of your room. So Mori got up, and he stayed with you all night and hugged you close.

• Your not very good At martial arts, but he helps you through it, someone up you always call him.


The reason that Hunny likes cakes so much is because as children you always baked stuff for him. And finally you got him hooked.

•Once when you were grounded and you really wanted to go to a party. Because your parents locked you in your room, Hunny baked you a cake with the key to your window so you could get out.

•Hunny was the one who taught you to bake.

•Once Hunny pretended to be your kid to get free cake.

• He always takes you to fancy restaurants, because your good looks combined with his cuteness always gets you free stuff.

•Despite him letting you do whatever you want, he's very protective of you.

• Your not very good At martial arts, but he helps you through it, someone up you always call him.


• When you get hurt he's always the first person you go to.

•You and Him always ganged up on Hikaru and prank him to death.

• Your the only one he told about
his secret crush on Haruhi when he first met her.

•You two look nothing alike, so one time to get some boys away from you he pretended to be your boyfriend.

• He and Hikaru always threw you gigantic parties. He tried to bake you a cake for your birthday but ended up setting the kitchen on fire.

•He locked you and Hikaru in the janitors closet when you were in middle school, so you could make up and stop fighting.


• Even though he doesn't show it Hikaru is actually deathly afraid of your pranks.

• You once broke his nose from playing a prank on him with Karou.

• He actually designs your clothing for when you model things.

• When you were in middle school the two of you used to not get along. But then one day Karou locked you two in the janitors closet. You two were stuck in there all night, finally getting along.

• If you have to talk about something he will ignore everything else and he'll talk to you.

• When he gets mad at you it's the worst. He just flat out ignores you.

• He pushed you off a yacht once and sent you flying off the boat. He meant it as a joke, but you still were sent to the hospital.


• The two of you have secret wars. Normally starts if you take his glasses and hide them. But then he gets you back by taking all of your cloths and hiding them in trees around your Manse.

• He secretly hates that your the only one in the family that doesn't need glasses.

• He tried to wake you up once. He limped away with a black eye, and a nasty kick to a place that the sun doesn't shine.

•Always keeps you close. Hates when any other boys come close to you.

• Over protective glassed face.

• You tried to wake him up once. He still limped away with a black eye and a kick where the sun doesn't shine.

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