Maid! Kaoru X Reader Part 1/2

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This is like a thingy were you become a maid to the club thingy. And like.... thingysss.....

Sooo...... yea.....

Your P.O.V

You rushed through the halls of your school, needing to get to the club.

" Shoot! May is going to be so mad if I'm late!!" You grumbled to yourself as you turned corners dodging passing students. Your good friend May, made you promise her you'll join her in the host club. Her favorite person, would be Tamaki and she thought you needed some help on getting a man.

The best way to get a man? Oh yea, definitely go to a Host Club. 
You rolled you eyes making you ways down the stairs, jumping off the last four.

You finally made your way to the door, rushing in you threw open the door. A yelp screamed out, you stood wide eyed Tamaki on the floor holding his arm.

" Awe, Shit." You face palmed.
Today was going to be a long day.


You sat face full of concern. The hosts all sat beside you, Tamaki the only one missing.

" Sooo...... Will Tamaki be okay?" You broke the silence. It took a second for someone to reply.

" Considering what happened he probably broke his arm." Kyoya pushed his glasses up. Your frown deepened.

" I'm so sorry..." you looked up sheepishly smiling. You looked around all of the members. They all stared at you. But the twins caught your eye. Why wouldn't they of? They're hot!

" Can I make it up?" The host club devil stared down at you, glare in his eyes. You gulped and looked somewhere else.

" How about 900,000,000 Yen." Dead silence followed his comment. Your eyes widened, you were rich, but even you knew that was a lot of money.

You heard a smack, you looked up and Haruhi slapped his own face? Wait.... that gave you an idea....

" Oh I know... how about instead of me paying... that... I'll work here as a Maid! Or like a Hostess, whatever. But just to let you know it'll gain you lots of costumers!!" You piped up pleased with what you said.

Kyoya stared at you for a moment, then he slowly nodded.

"Sounds like a plan... but, you just get 1,000 customers." Kyoya a last sentence made your eyes bulge.

" 1,000?!?!? Is there even that many students in this school?!" You yelled out mouth gaping open.

" It won't be hard! Especially because I'm going to help teach you!!" A Amber headed twin jumped up sitting next to you, his arm around your shoulder. You stared at him for a second.

' holy shit he's hot...'

" U-uh... yea... sure.." You nodded staring right back at him. You felt your cheeks heat up. You quickly turned your head away. His arm still on you.

" Awe, Karou that's not fair! I wanted to teach her..." a high pitches voice interrupted the two of you. Karou, you were guessing, shook his head.

" Nope ! It's Y/n and I, and Y/n and I only! Sorry Hikaru!!" Karou tightened his grip. You blushed more looking up at Kyoya.

" Okay! I'll do it!"

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