When he thought you were cheating

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• Literally was a wrecking ball. He went berserk and started calling people Hoe's.

• He gut punched the bitch who was hitting on you

• At first When he though you were cheating he broke out in sobs, and started to cry.

• Then he got angry. Firkin stay away.

• Threatened to rip a picture of you two apart. You weren't flirting with the guy he was just flirting with you.

• When he found out that you weren't cheating on him he hugged you and cried in your arms, saying sorry over and over again. He didn't let you go for a few hours. He ended up falling asleep in your lap exhausted from crying.


• He may seem like the unbreakable type. But when he saw you hugging and hanging out with a guy he didn't know, he was heart broken and wouldn't talk to anyone.

• But when he found out that the guy you were hugging was actually your cousin, he was so embarrassed. Like it wasn't even funny.

• Afterward he wouldn't let you away from him. He just kept you in his arms, afraid you were going to leave him.


• Just sat in his Emo corner and ate ramen for three months straight.

- You had to take the ramen out of his hands and throw it over him to get him to pay attention to you.


• when you were talking to a boy he saw and watched you for a few minutes. After getting jealous he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, and walked away.

• He just gave you a look of sadness, then asked you why he wasn't enough. You started to laugh, and when he asked why you were laughing you told him that he was your cousin.

-He felt extremely stupid and started to hit his head against a wall.

- when he calmed down, he wrapped you up in his arms and kissed you.


- He beat up your cousin think you were cheating on him.

-Went in a furry spree, then when he calmed down he burst into tears.

-Karou got mad at you and the twins wouldn't let you go near them, every time you tried to explain what happened.

- You broke into their Manse, and chased after them until you tackled Hikaru. Finally you told him what happened. He stared at you in disbelief and then burst out laughing.


- He's more of a quieter and nicer person. So he came to you with a soft approach.

- He never mentioned to you that he thought your were cheating. He thought that if you were happy then he would be happy.

- Even though he didn't say anything and told himself he was happy if you were happy, he was actually really hurting inside.

- When you finally noticed that he was acting strange you asked him why. He finally told you that he knew you were cheating on him.

-Finally you cleared it up with him that you weren't cheating. That you were actually just talking to your cousin, and where he's from its tradition to kiss them on their cheeks.

So Evelyn and I were thinking about writing a Harry Potter X Reader. Like with the Marauders, and such. Would you guys agree to that or no.

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