YAY ( Your christmas with him.)

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Merry Christmas My bitches!!!! Jk merry Christmas my fam!! Here is a Christmas special. Sorry for those who do not celebrate it :P

Not edited! // Officially edited on Thursday December 29

Your Christmas with him.


You smiled as you leaned into your boyfriend. The two of you sat in front of the fire place. You snuggled into his hold, taking in his sent.

" I'm so glad to be here with you....." you trailed off smiling. You felt him laugh.

" I'm more happy than you could imagine, these past years have been amazing!" He laughed into your hair. The smell of the large pine tree filled your lungs. The two of you were now in your last year of collage.

Your high school days wee now just a memory. " I love you." You looked up to his amethyst eyes. He looked down into your E/c eyes. He smiled at you and you smiled back.

His gaze then changed to the tree.

" Hey? What's that?" He asked as he shifted his position from sitting then standing. He pointed into the tree.

" I don't know... I thought we opened all the presents." You replied taking a tiny box out of the tree.

" Well Open it." He replied. You nodded your head, your back to him. You picked it up and unwrapped it. Inside was a small white box.

You opened the book and inside was a beautiful Diamond ring. You gasped. You swiveled and saw Tamaki on his Knees.

" Y/n.... Will you Marry me?"


You groaned as you rubbed your head. You were on the floor trying around trying to get the pain away.

" I still cannot believe how drunk you got. And it's the day after Christmas at that. " Your husband Kyoya smirked at you.

"Wow. Thanks for the comfort. You are too kind!" You said in an exasperated tone. You felt arms wrap around you.

" It was funny though. And while so, you were very clingy." He laughed in your ear. You blushed and squeaked.

" How clingy? And what did I say?" You asked worriedly.

" You said you wanted a child and would not get off my back." He responded whispering into your ear.

" Oh dear lord. I did not. " you replied back with a gasp.

" Oh yes you did. We already decided. If Male It will be Cooper, If Female then Stephanie." He looked at you as he turned you around.

" Well I'm not having anyone soon." You huffed.

" You sure about that?" He asked with a twinkle in his eye.

" Oh shit."


You were at your Boyfriends house for Christmas Eve. And to say his family pretty much loved you. They were all so kind and loving, you loved them as well.

" It was very nice to meet you all!" You said your goodbyes to Mori's family as they all wished you a good farewell.

As you reached the door you hugged Mori. He hugged you back and you stayed that way.

" Marry Christmas My love." You whispered to him.

" Hey look." He responded and looked up. You looked up as well and saw Mistletoe above the door.

You blushed and smile. You stood on your toes and he leaned down. Your lips connected. " I love you." You said after you parted. He held you in his arms.

" I love you too."


You thew up into the toilet and wiped your mouth.

" Y/n?" Your husband Karou asked with worry all over his voice. It was Christmas Day and you were sick.

" I'm fine. Let's open the gifts!" You smiled as you reassured him.
He didn't look convinced but he nodded his head and took you by the hand downstairs to the tree where the rest of his family and your family were.

After every opened most of their presents.

You got the special present you had for your husband and handed it to him.

" Here this is for you." You smiled He gave you a smile back and took the present.

Everyone waited in silence as he opened the present. He open the box. He pulled out two pairs of small socs.

" what's this." He asked puzzled.

You smiled and answered.

" I'm pregnant." He stopped. His mouth widened and he gaped at you. The room went wild people laughing and congratulating you. Your husband sat still his eyes widened.

" Oh yea, I'm pregnant with twins." You finished.

His eyes rolled back and he fainted.

You laughed and held your stomach.

" he'll love you two. Im sure if it."


You gasped as your boyfriend Hikaru knelt down on one knee. In front of everyone to be at that. You were at a party with hundreds of people and he just knelt down.

" Y/n? Will you be Mrs. Hitachian?" He asked as he pulled out a diamond rind with Ruby's surrounding it.

You talked him and started to cry as the other people started to clap and whoop.

" Why wouldn't I ?!?!" You cried as you held onto him.


" Hey Y/n?" Honey your best friend asked you as you ate cake together.

"Mhmm" you responded. The two of you were at a nice little cafè and you ate lots and lots of cake there. You were just like Honey, small and petite. (Sorry if your not)

" So I know we've been hanging out for a while but... umm" he stuttered. You titled you head in confusion.

' what is he asking? Oh... OH'

You finally realized that he was asking you out. For a while you have been starting to like him. Of course you kept quiet about it because you thought it was one sided.

" Honey. Do I like to eat cake?" You asked him. He looked up and nodded his head.

" Yes! You love cake!" He responded urgently.

" Then that's my answer." You smile to him. His eyes widened, and he started to blush. You blushed as well.

" Yes, Well I like cake too." He trailed off.

" Just trade the cake with your name." He gave you a sweet smile.

" I like you too Honey."

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