When your sick.( Tamaki and Kyoya)

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A sneeze escaped your lips as you Snuffled.

" Awe is my baby sick?" Your boyfriend laughed as he brought you tea and sat next to you on your couch.

" Hmph." You huffed as you took a sip of the tea.

" Thanks for the tea though. " you leaned into him. He leaned back into you.

" So whatcha wanna do?" His voice filled the air. You shrugged and cuddled closer.

" Watch a movie?" You questioned you sneezed again.

" Okay Sneezy, let's watch a movie. What you wanna watch?" He asked as he got up and searched through the gigantic chest of movies.

" I wanna watch an American film. How about Shrek?" You asked sweetly, knowing you'll trigger his hate for Shrek.

" SHREK?! OH NO WE ARE NOT WATCHING THAT PEDO FILM." He burst out in a yell that made you laugh. He has hated that movie ever since you showed him Shrek is love, Shrek is life. He gave you the meme frowny face upset.

" Okay, okay.... how about Bambi. I like that movie." You gave him a small smile hen a sneeze.

He put in the DVD and jumped back on the couch and you snuggled up to him. Soon as the movie prevailed, right after Bambi's mom died you fell asleep. Around thirty minuets passed when you woke up. Your eyes slightly opened and you were greeted by the sound of Bambi's still playing. You moved your head up to see if Tamaki was still awake. His sleeping features gave you a warm smile.

" I lov-"

" ACHOO." His sneeze interrupted your confession. His eyes opened and he stifled a yawn.

" Sorry?"


You gave your husband an unneeded extreme frowns face. " But I'm booorrreeeddddddd." You whaled a shout and jumped into the bed, as well as him. He let out an 'oof' as you laced across him.

" Then go play a game." He Responded frowning back at you. You continued to whine. It was a cloudy and cold day and you were extremely bored, not giving up on trying to get kyoya to play with you.

" Can you play with me?" You asked back.

" No."

" Why?"

" I have to get back to work."

" C'mon it's just for a secccc...." you trailed off getting off of him and sitting criss cross on the bed. He stood up from the bed and started to walk to the door.

" Y/n. I told you I can't. Your too old to play." He repeated his remark and walked out.

" I'm not too old! Gosh! I just wanted to have fun!" You grumbled. You loved him and he loved you. But you wished he pained more attention to yourself.

" Fine! I'll go play by myself..." your fake frown turned into a real one. Sadness took over you. You put on a jacket and walked out into the gigantic backyard.

" WHOA ITS SNOWING." You laughed as a small light sprinkle of snowflakes drizzled places. You laughed and danced around in glee.

" It never snows!" You smiled to yourself. ' If only Kyoya could experience it with me....' your depressing thoughts filled back up to your mind.

You shook them out of your head and started to walk to the grove of trees. You were walking around for about ten minets when you heard a loud and repetitive unusual chirping.

You looked down and to your side and saw a baby bird jumping up and down chirping madly. " Oh. Did you fall? I don't see any nests. I'll keep you warm. I don't wanna go back yet." You smiled to the baby. You picked it up and held it close so it wouldn't get cold. An unusual heaviness layer across your eyes. Soon your eyelids closed and everything was dark.

You woke up from the freezing cold. As soon as your eyes opened hard pellets of snow hit your eyes and face. You covered your face with your arm. As soon as you moved it you felt something moving in your hand. You looked down to see the chick trying to move close to you. You gasped and put your arm back, instead you moved so the snow was against you back.' Damn it! A snow storm! I need to get back.' You hurriedly got up and started to run back home. But the snow got too confusing, you couldn't see anything and your were lost. You held the chick close and kept on trudging through the snow. You silently whimpered as the snow, and freezing temps soaked into your skin. As you were walking you felt the ground change in feel. You heard a crack, and then many more crack and a scream. But the scream wasn't yours.

You blacked out before you completely fell in the water.

Time skipppppppp

You once again opened your eyes and saw a figure with black hair siting down in a chair next to the bed. The persons face couldn't be seen, the persons as holding his face in in hands bent over.

You started to shiver, the cold just coming back to you.

"Kyoya?" You called out to the person next to you.your husband jolted up and was by your side in an instant.

" Y/n! Damn it! I thought I lost you!" He growled out as he held onto you. You felt warm liquid fall into you as he held your cold body.

" Are you crying?" You croaked out your throat sore.

" W-Why wouldn't I be! I love you and I thought you would never wake up! I thought I would never be able to see your eyes again." He whimpered and he brought his face up. His glasses weren't on, and his eyes were red and puffy.

" I'm Alive..... It's okay....." you stroked his head as he held onto you. The cold was still overwhelming your body but you put that aside and hugged him with the little energy left.

" I'm Cold...And tired." You breathed out, shivering. Your husband still head you but lightened his hold. He looked at you his eyes full of concern, and worry. You gave him a weak smile. He slightly smiled back.

" I'll go get a blanket for you. Rest for now." He let go of you and started to walk away. Before he could leave you grabbed onto his sleeve.

" I don't need a blanket....Can you sleep with me?" You slightly called called out. Kyoya turned around and smiled. He walked over to the other side and climbed into it with you.you turned over to face him. You sneezed slightly that made Kyoya smile.

" I think your sick...." His voice was full of worry. You giggled as you shivered and snuggled closer to him.

" When I thought I lost you I was going crazy." He breathed out. " It's my fault. I didn't play a game with you. "

" It's fine love. It's not your fault I'm here now. We can a game now, let's play snuggles and cuddles." You giggled as you pulled yourself closer to him. He nodded and snuggled closer to you. You smiled at the warmth you shared as you drifted off. As you fell asleep you heard Kyoya speak.

" Snuggles and Cuddles."

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