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Here is a request made by KKayherineNanopoulos I hope you like it.

Your p.o.v

Your best friend was named the dark one. The one who everyone is scared of . The one who carries around a cat doll and curses people. Or his proper name Umehito Nekozawa.

But to you, 




Mr. Kitty Cat the indestructible.

And yes.

You Called him that every time you saw him.

The two of you have know each other for a long time and that is what you called him when you were a child, and now it's stuck with you. You and him were completely opposite he was dark and mentally Disbursed, and you were bright and Mentally happy. But then you when Then you too went separate ways when you transferred Middle schools. But when you got to Highschool you switched again, but to To Ouran high school. And when you found out Mr.Kitty Cat the Indestructible was going to that high school you were overwhelmed with joy.

" Y/N your going to be late hurry up. " your mom yelled from downstairs, which was hard to hear when she was three stories down. You finished combing your H/c hair. It was really soft and you styled it perfectly. You tied the bow a bit tighter in your yellow uniform then smiled and raced down the stairs and out the door where a limo was waiting for you. You jumped in and closed the car door. The driver drove off and started towards the Highschool. " Yay! First day of Highschool. I wonder if there's any clubs that I can join...." you said quietly to yourself as you smiled with glee. After a few minutes of the ride the car stopped. You opened the door and got out of the car. " Thank you." You smiled to the driver then walked into the school with your bag in your hand.

You went to the front office to get your schedule. The bell rang and the hallways were empty and had no one in them. You finally found your first period class. You breathed in and then out. You opened the door to see a bunch of loud teenagers and a teacher who was doing paper work, and looked like she didn't give a piece of crap. " umm... hello?" You waved towards the teacher. She smiled at you and got up from her seat and screamed. " Sit down now! " the whole class became silent and sat down immediately." Your eyes opened a small bit and youinternally laughed. "This here is our new student Y/N. Today is going to be a free day do whatever the heck you weird teenage kids do these days. Why/and go sit down wherever the heck you want. I'm finishing my paperwork. "The teacher looked at you and smiled once more and sat back down the class became louder once more and didn't really care about anything. You looked around the class and found a seat behind a cute boy with brown hair who was reading and having two red heads that looked exactly alike poking him. You sat down behind him and started to watch the twins annoying the brown haired boy. Then suddenly the brown haired boy turned around and smiled at you. " Hi, I'm Haduhi. " the introduced himself.

" and I'm Y- HOLY CRAP YOUR NOT A GUY." You just realized that this boy was acually a female. Right as you were about to say he's a she four hands covered your mouth. You looked in from of you and saw the two twins. " Don't say that out loud." Your eyes widened then you blushed a small but. Up close they were very handsome. You nodded.

" I'm Y/n..."you said after they took their hands away from your mouth. " I'm Hikaru." Said The one in the left." And I'm Kaoru." The one from the right said. You nodded your head getting dizzy from seeing doubles.

" well it's nice to meet you."

----three weeks time skip.--------

You were now apart of the black magic club. You and Me.Kitty Cat the Indescribable ap had met up and once again became best friends. You also became good friends with the host club but not so much the Twins. For some reason they didn't like you much. Well more like when ever the three of you were alone you got along pretty well but when you were other people they kinda seemed mad. 'They're just weird.' You kept on saying to yourself. But then they got really really weird. Like when ever you were even near another male they would get all mad and not talk to your until you tried to make with them. Then you realized they were getting jealous. At first you thought it was cute because you had a small crush on them but then it got really annoying. Finally one day you completely had it when you were hanging out With Mr.Kitty Cat the Indestructible and he asked you if you wanted to go to the dance with him, when the twins dragged you away from him and into another room. You completely had it. You yanked away from them.

" Really guys?! Stop acting childish! I can have other friends other that the two of you. Like seriously you have to stop getting jealous that I'm hanging out with some one else!!" You blurted out to the twins. They stared to you for a moment. Then they started to approach you. " You think we're jealous over you being friends with other people?" The synchronized. They shook their heads as they pulled you towards them. " Were mad because we don't like it when Other people touch our belongings." Now they were hugging you like a sandwich. One on either side of you. You started to blush, your heart started to beat faster. " I-I'm no ones belonging." You stammered becoming red. " Your our Doll. And our dolls belong to us. And our dolls stay away from other guys. " they whispered into your ears. Your eyes went wide and you blushed even more. They let go of you and gave you their signature smirk. You were too astonished to stop them when they kissed you on your cheeks. Then turned around and started to leave. But not before turning round and looked at you with a serious expression.

" Tell Nekozowa that you already have a date to the dance. " they looked at you with their ambur eyes. And you replied back.

" but no one else has asked me out. " you loooekd back at them.

The smirked once more. And said before they turned. " We just did." And they left. You put your hands to your hot cheeks.

' Holy Shi-talking mushrooms.'

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