Maid! Karou X Reader part 2//

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Pardon for my lack of update. I Sincerely apologize. But here you go

Your P.O.V

Your cheeks hurt pretty bad. You couldn't feel your jaw anymore, and to top it off it felt like your eyes were period open.  Mentally cursing everyone around you to hell, you smiled and nodded to the boy across from you.

As the new 'Host' or in your position 'Hostess' You were being crowded by guests. Boys waiting in long lines to have tea and talk to you, which was needed for your price, but un-needed for your mental stability. As the brown haired boy across from you continued his insistent blabbering you sipped your tea completely zoning out his life story.

' I ask asked how you were doing, not your fucking life story bitch.' You spoke to yourself in your head, and you smiled lightly faking everything.

" Oh wow, how amazing and brave of you! Now tell me more of your family." You set your tea down and placed your chin in your hand. He continued on talking and talking, you still didn't listen. I'm the corner of your eye, you saw the movement of ginger. You shifted your eyes for a second, standing by a wall Karou stood, his arms crossed. You inwardly smiled at him. Since you began working you've grown a bit attached to that red head twin.

When you saw him something stirred in your stomach, like it was filled with petals. But anyways, he continued to watch you from the other side of the room. It made you happy.

After a few more guests, and horribly annoying flirting, you excused yourself from a client to get cake. You tried not to grumble and frown as you elegantly walked to the sweets table. As you picked out your desired sweet, a voice called out to you.

" You uh, enjoy talking to the boy. Huh?" Karou stood right beside you his arms crossed. Internally you squeezed at his cuteness. You blankly looked at him then nodded. It dawned to you, he was jealous.

" His stories are interesting. He said he will request me every day now." You nodded.  As you gave a small smile, he replied with a small frown, it pleased you that he was jealous. You shook your head before slightly turning your body in the direction of the boy you were talking to. You liked the jealous Karou. You knew it was silly and childish of your, but you always felt a sense of importance when someone got jelly over you. Suddenly you felt a strong force pull you back. Someone grabbed hold of your waist and pulled you close. Your face became burning hot with blush. You felt warm breath down your neck. Karou moved his mouth near your ear and whispered into it.

" I know its childish of me, but i don't want you to get so comfortable with him. He might think you like him. I didn't say ill teach you so you could get with another guy." Karou kept his face near the side of your head. Your heart raced a thousand miles an hour. You smiled. Finally something was going right.

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