Preggers! Tamaki X Reader Part// 3

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The last part to this shit. Good game. Good game. Buuuuttttttttti hope y'all like it. IF YOU HAVE REQUESTS JUST FRIKIN ASK. Sooo on with the story.


" Tamaki-Sempai." You slowly said tears brimming your eyes, he nodded for you to continue.

" I'm pregnant." He stared at you in whole before blushing madly.

" With your child." You quietly added. You stared into his blank face, unsure if to whether he would accept the baby or turn his head away.


Your P.O.V

Silence was the only thing in the room. Everyone was quiet, unmoved, watching, scared. You stood there staring Tamaki in the face wondering how he'll react.

It felt like minutes, hours even. Finally, he opened his mouth. He closed it, then opened it again, like a fish gasping for water.

Your eyes casted down when something enveloped you. Your eyes widened to see blond hair right next to you.

" Tamaki..." you whispered, the rest of the hosts deadly silent. 

" We'll figure this out I promise." He hugged you tightly his fresh sent filling your nose. Without knowing your arms pulled up around him. You waked in his warmth.

" So when did you two.... ya know.... happen?" Two voices in sync popped out. You snapped back to reality and pulled away from Tamaki.  The twins looked at you in fake interest. You internally glared at them, they already knew the answer.

" Stop! Listen I don't know either. Y/n, do you know how this happened?." Tamaki took hold of your shoulders making you look at him. Your gaze faltered, and you looked down.

" Remeber that party we went to a few weeks ago? You got drunk and passed out in some room, and I guess I did too. But when. I woke up I was sleeping next to you. Well that's what Morgan said. She went home immediately. And then, I took a test this morning and it came out positive...." you told the summery of the past two weeks. He slowly nodded his head thinking it through.

" Well.... I won't let this child grow up without a father. Your keeping it no matter what, and I'll be the father to it. No matter what." He words made your heart go ecstatic. You felt warm tear well up in your eyes.

" It's name is gunna be Morgan!." The warm tears stopped. Everyone stopped and looked over to your best friend circling around in the desk wheel chair.

" What?"

" Exactly what I said. Morgan is a Uni-Sex name. That American Actor is named Morgan, you know Morgan FreeMan? Your naming that child in my honour, no matter what." Morgan Gave you a toothy grin, which you couldn't help but smile back to. Her words always broke that awkward silence, or the building tension in any room.

" Were keeping Morgan then. No matter what." Tamaki Muttered in you ear. You smiled and put your hand on your belly.

" No matter what..." you leaned into Tamaki, and Morgans future Father.

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