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another day of work.

getting up, i get dresses in my pencil skirt and blouse. looking at my phone, i notice my friends from high school enjoying their time at college or on vacation. they're all smiling, it's all for the show on the Internet. I'm sure that deep down inside they're worried about something or regret something from the past that just came up.

on my page, it's nothing like that. I don't bother to take pictures of myself to put out to my friends. they already know how I look like, so why bother post another picture of me? they would soon get annoyed by looking at my face. I've grown annoyed to looking at theirs. the same smiling face but just in a different location with a cheesy caption that would make you want to vomit.

i simply sigh tossing the phone in my bag. i grab my keys walking to the front door. opening it and walking out. i look up at the same guy, his coat covering his body as a different hat covers his face. but i already know how he looks like. locking the door behind me, i begin to walk to my car that happens to be at the corner of the street. no shocker.

walking down the street, the guy on the other side casually follows my lead. i simply sigh and stop to look at him, which is something that i don't usually do. he stops in his tracks, which I'm not surprised. he sort of shields himself with his shoulder and huge coat. "good morning." i say almost mumbling before I walk again.

he doesn't seem to budge after that. honestly he must of been surprised that I said something after all this time. but i just turn around to him, his shoulder still covering his face. jesus. this guy will never talk, will he? shaking my head, i get in the car and drive off.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now