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he told me everything.

all about his family. how they died in front of him. and how he feels guilty of everything. but it wasn't his fault--he didn't cause them to die. "i couldn't save my mother." he says, his eyes begin to water.

without noticing, i hold his hand giving him a small squeeze. lifting my eyes up to his gaze, he wipes his eyes. "this wasn't your fault harry. you never knew this was going to happen."

he's silent for a moment. "what about your family?" i instantly let go of his hand shifting in my spot.

"they...i was only 11." i fiddle around with my fingers. i've never told anyone this. now that I'm telling my kidnapper it's a bit strange, but at the same time we have something in common. "they were burned to death along with my uncle and aunt."

this time harry places his hand on top of mine. "i'm sorry, mab."

"i couldn't save them. i-i just stood out there listening to their screams." harry pulls me in for a hug. "i miss them so much, harry." i wrap my arms around him.

he rocks me back and forth in his arms. "shh. i guess we both put the blame on each other for something we didn't do." keeping my head against his shoulder we sit in each others arms. "you know, i've always dreamt of this moment."

with those words, i automatically get up. "i-i'm going to take a shower." and i hurriedly walk off.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now