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now that i love him we can go out to places together! is that so hard to do? watching the stars from the bedroom, i wonder if anyone from work noticed my disappearance. i'm sure the cops are out to get harry but how would i explain that i fell in love with my kidnapper? it seems a little sick but really it's not. he loves me. he really does.

feeling the bed dip, i turn to my right where harry sits with a worried face. "what's the matter?" his hand comes up to my face, gently touching it. leaning in, he gives me a sweet but gentle kiss. "harry. you're worrying me."

he holds me close to his body rocking us back and forth. "you know i love you right?"


"and that i would never hurt you."

i look up at him confused. "i know that harry but what are you--"

"if we ever get separated i want you to have my journal."

i let go of him. "separated? what are you talking about?"

"i love you, mab. so much." none of this is making sense.

"harry, what are you talking about?" i repeat.

"sh, just enjoy this moment, mab."

and we do.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now