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the officer told me everything.

apparently harry murdered the man who caused my parents, uncle and aunt die in the fire. that the man did it on purpose because my uncle didn't give the man some money that he had to owe and it got out of hand. the man was never found, that was until they found him dead in a hotel room not far from where the cabin is.

he must of snuck out one night and done the job himself. "how long would he be in prison for?"

"maybe for life or even 25 years. or the death penalty." i gasp. "but he also kidnapped you and stole your vehicle."

"b-but no! could i at least visit him before his trial?"

the officer gets up from his seat and leads me to a small room. standing in the corner of the room waiting for him to enter from the other side of the door. biting my lip i anxiously wait.

when i hear the door creak open. harry comes out with a depressing face. opening my arms, i run towards him and hug him. he hugs me back. i examine his face to see a purple eye. "what did they do to you?"

"don't worry about it. i'm just glad youre here." he hugs me.

"i don't want them to kill you, harry. i would die." i cry on his shoulder.

"sh, mab. if they do--"

"don't say that!"

he lifts my chin up. "mab. if they do, i want you to have my journal. and i want to let you know that i love you so much. you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. you deserve the best in the world--"

"you are the best thing that's happened to me, harry! i can't lose you!" we hug in silence.

and for the first time, harry begins to cry.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now