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she doesn't like to be weak and I'm not trying to make her weak. she's the strongest person i know. she fell asleep on the couch after her mental breakdown. so much pressure has been on her and it makes me feel horrible. if only i could kiss her and hug her but that wouldn't be successful. it would only make things worse than they already are.

watching her fall asleep, i bring a blanket form the bedroom and cover her. she nuzzles her head closer to it a small yawn escaping her mouth. opening her eyes she sees me and smiles. "harry." she whispers before knocking out again.

sitting in a chair beside her, i take my journal out and begin to write.

dear mab, today you had a mental break down which scared me to death. you held a knife up to me. i know there's been so much pressure on you and i hate to see you cry. i still remember the kiss from yesterday, i know you feel something for me but you don't want to admit it.

i just want you to tell me that you have feelings for me before it's too late. i tell you i love you almost everyday because it's true, then you come out of the blue and kiss me but neglect that you have feelings towards me?

mab i love you more than anything.

and i know you love me.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now