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last night was one of the best nights in my whole life.

she's finally mine. she actually loves me--i mean she's never said it, but i know she does. why else would she of made out with me like that? to be honest i didn't mean to force her to have sex--that was just because i just really wanted to kiss her. "harry!" i hear mab yell from the other side of the bathroom door.

i turn the water off from the shower grabbing the towel beside me. "yea?" i respond making my way to the door.

opening the door, mab sits on the bed in a yellow flowery dress. i remember gemma getting that dress for her birthday but she had to pretend to like it. when mab sees me, she blushes. "i just wanted to ask if you have a radio?"

thinking back to when i last cane to the cabin a small flashback comes back to mind. "there should be one in the closet over there." i point it out. she makes her way to the closet letting the dress flow with her movement. "there it is." i stand behind her grabbing it over her head.

she turns around to me grabbing it out of my hands. "thank you!" she gets on her tippy toes planting a kiss on my cheek before running off to the kitchen.

smiling, i look for my clothes, throwing on jeans and a button up shirt which i haven't worn in a while. walking out of the room, i see mab dance by herself to 20's themed music. coming up behind her, i hold her and sway along to the music. i turn her around placing my hands on her waist. getting closer to me, she sets her head on my chest, her hands around my neck. "i've been waiting for this moment for a long time, you know?"

mab giggles cupping my face and giving me a sweet kiss. "you know tonight, i was thinking of cooking dinner."

"mmm, that would be nice." i hum in response.

"then i better get cooking!" she exclaims giving me a quick peck on the lips before running in to the kitchen.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now