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it's been a while since harry's been in his room and it's starting to get dark. plus, i didn't make food for nothing so he better come down here and eat. walking up the stairs, i make my way to the bedroom door. sighing, i raise my hand to knock on the door when i decide to place my ear against the door hoping to hear something.

there's a long moment of silence when i later hear footsteps. before i could realize that they were coming toward my direction, the door opens and i fall on harry's chest. "wha--mab?" slowly looking up at him, my hands on his arms, i send him a playful smile. "how long were--"

"i cooked--so if you want to eat..." i slowly push myself away from him. walking to the stairs, our eyes are locked until i run down the stairs. "jesus, mab." i mumble to myself as i feel my heart beat.

why is my heart beating so fast--I  mean it did catch me by surprise but it should be gone by now. mab, what is this? he was so warm and had a nice scent that i can't explain--almost a beautiful feeling. snapping out of my thoughts i frown.

i don't want to be falling for him.

i can't.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now