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she's kissing me.

mab is kissing me.

taken back, i place my hands around her waist kissing her back. feeling her breath, she places her hands in my hair. her body pressed against mine as my hands go up and down her back. without an intention, a small moan escapes my mouth. she pulls away from me, my arms still around her waist. not knowing what to say, she lets go of me.

pushing me away, she places a hand on her forehead. "what am i doing?" she asks herself.

"mab..." i inch closer to her.

expanding her arms out to me, she moves away from me. "please leave me alone." she cradles herself all the way to the bedroom.

obviously i'd follow her. "mab, i'm sorry."

"stop apologizing, harry!" she yells closing the door behind her.

hearing the door lock behind me, i sit against the door listening to her small sobs. i imagine her rocking herself back and forth on the bed.

touching my lips, i remember the feeling of hers against mine. the way they fit perfectly and how she did it with so much passion.

taking my journal out from my coat, i begin to write.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now