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the way he looked at me made me feel uncomfortable but after he called me beautiful it just hit me. he really does love me. this guy actually loves me for who i am--not just for my looks.

changing into some of harry's clothes, i walk out of the room barefoot looking for him. he sits at the dinning table writing in his journal. "hello." i say, passing by.

he closes his journal, placing it in his coat pocket. he coughs before responding. "hi, babe." stopping in front of the sink, i look back at him. "s-sorry it slipped."

looking back at the window in front of me i stare at my reflection. first we speak about our most tragic time in life, then we cuddle, later he sees me naked, now he calls me babe?

"what do you want to eat for lunch?" harry asks looking through the fridge beside me. "we could make sandwiches."

not responding, he looks up at me worriedly. he closes the fridge opening his mouth to say something but i push him up against the wall and place my lips against his.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now