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after he kissed me i realized that he can do anything to me.

anything he wants.

to be honest, the idea of escaping this house hasn't crossed my mind yet--i'm just giving up on leaving. he'll just come after me. harry could just throw me in a pool of lava anytime he wants and there wouldn't be any way to escape since he's everywhere.

as soon as i reach the sink, i look down at my bandaged hand realizing that i can't wash the dish or else my bandage would become soggy. i sigh and leave the plate heading into the living room.

walking over to the fireplace i notice a few photos scattered around the wall. suddenly, i come across the picture that harry took down last night. picking it up in my hand that isn't cut up, i see a photo of harry all cleaned up with a smile on his face. beside him, there's a girl who looks older than him but they share the same features. on the other side of him, a woman, shes wearing a yellow dress which matches her bright smile. beside her is a man with a huge stomach and a small beard, he wears glasses which seem too small for him. for a moment i look at this photo and think of my parents. "mab!" i hear someone say before snatching the picture out of my hands.

looking up at harry, he wears a worried face. "what?"

"you were smiling?" 

this didn't make any sense to me. "what?" i ask him again.

"mab." a small smile appears on his face. "you were smiling." he looks down at the picture in his hand. "all because you saw this picture?" his smile fades.

i'm not sure what to say next but the words just blurt out from my mouth. "are you okay?" why did i just ask my kidnapper if he's okay? of course he isn't okay! he's mental enough to kidnap me!

looking up at me, his eyes are watery. "i'm going upstairs." he says before pushing past me up the stairs.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now