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warning: sex scene

"it's ready!" i yell from the kitchen as i place the pasta on the table.

harry comes in with a smile on his face as soon as he sees the food. "what's this?" he examines everything.

"pasta, chocolate cake, salad, and lasagna." he sits down while i serve him food.

"this is amazing, mab!" i smile and thank him. after diner, we go back to the living room where we light the fireplace and sit on the couch while drinking some beers. "that was delicious, babe." he kisses the top of my head.

we place our empty beer bottles on the floor and watch the fire for a moment. "i like your shirt." i say as my hand comes up to his button up shirt. slowly i unbutton one of the buttons.

harry stops me, his hand moving to my face where he leans in to kiss me instantly pushing me on the couch. i let out a small laugh when he tips over the beer bottle. i bring his face close to mine and kiss him as my hands go down to his chest unbuttoning all his buttons to his shirt. he pulls away taking his shirt off throwing it on the floor. touching his chest, i examine it, my arms moving across his tattoos. "i love your tattoos." i say.

"i love you." he responds pushing me upwards to get to the zipper of the dress. "are you sure about this, mab?" he asks.

with a simple kiss he zips it off. he looks down at my body liking his lips. "you're more than beautiful."

sitting up, i hug him as his hand comes behind me to my bra strap where i feel him unclip it. "i love you." i whisper in his ear.

his hands come up to my breasts, i gasp. "i've been waiting for those words for a long time."

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now