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i know kissing her was just an instinct to shut her up, but it was just so--wonderful! her lips against mine felt so warm and plump. she must've felt something! she must of! it took her so long to push me away. almost as if she was enjoying it but changed her mind. "i'm sorry, mab." i calmly say, rubbing her back.

even though my cheek is burning hot, i don't mind because it was a surprise to me too. she lets go of me, pushing me away; she wipes her tears looking at the stain on my shirt. "sorry..." she wipes the area where the wet stain is. i take her hand in mine and gently kiss the top of hers. "no, harry. please, stop. i didn't feel anything, harry. nothing."

it's a lie. without responding, i let go of her hand letting it drop on her thigh. getting up from the chair, i walk to the door and stop before exiting. "are you sure you don't want breakfast?" i ask.

even though she didn't answer, i can hear her stomach growl. heading out, i grab the plate that was originally hers and stuff it in the microwave, letting it heat up. when the small chime goes off, i grab the plate out from the microwave, feeling the heat come off from the plate and walk back to the room where mab sits in the chair. "harry--"

"just eat, mab. i won't let you starve to death." i place the plate on her lap. 

she takes it in her hand examining the food before eating. i sit in front of the door and watch her. once she's finished, she gets up from the chair and walks my way. slowly looking up at her, she looks down at me. "i-i'm going to go wash my plate." is she scared of me? her voice seems so cracked and tremble.

getting up, mab takes a step back from me. she is scared of me. 

another emotion she's never showed.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now