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they eventually broke down the door and came after me. pinning me to the dinning table, they handcuffed me as mab cried in the corner. "please leave him alone!" she exclaims.

the policeman looks back at mab. "no can do, ma'm. this man is charged for both kidnapping and murder."

my face falls to the floor when he says the words. "murder? he's never killed anyone!"

"mab!" i yell. "i love you." is all i say before they push me out of the cabin with force.

"please! no! you've got the wrong man!" she runs after me. once she reaches my side, she kisses me aggressively not wanting to let go. "please tell me you didn't murder anyone, harry. please." my silence answers her question. "w-why?"

"i killed the man who caused your family to die." she wraps her arms around me.

a police officer comes up behind mab and forces her off me. "don't touch her!" i yell.

"shut up and get in the car." the officer behind me says, throwing me in the car and closing the door behind me.

mab comes up to the window with a confused look on her face. she stands there for a moment before mouthing the words. "i love you."

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now