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i'm only trying to protect her because i love her. love is a strong word, but this is true that i really do love her. and that fact that she shuts me out like this it makes me angry but i don't dare to lay a finger on her. ever. from behind the door, i can still hear her cry and vomit. "she needs me..." i mumble to myself.

going into the kitchen, i take out a pill for her headache and something for her stomach ache. heading back to the room, she crawls into bed. walking up to her, i hand her the pills waiting for her to accept them. "here, i brought you something for your headache and upset stomach."

"i don't need it." she looks straight ahead at the broken tv which i still haven't thrown out after years.

"take it, mab. you'll feel better."

she looks up at me, her eyes killing me inside. taking the pills from my hand, she throws them across the room looking at me with a deadly stare. "i'd rather die." the words sink in.

she'd rather die than be with you!

"i just want to protect you and give you love but you just push me away!"

"i don't need your love or protection! i don't need you! you aren't my knight in shinning armor, harry!" she hisses at me. "you're nothing to me! and you will never be anything to me!"

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now