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later at night, i get in some sweatpants and one of harry's shirts. he sits on the edge of the bed scribbling stuff down in his journal. i've always wondered why he does that but never bother to ask. "i'm going to go get a drink." I say.

heading into the kitchen, i sip the cup of water while looking out at the window. a light from what seems to be a cars headlights come directly toward the cabin. my heart pounds. dropping the glass cup on the floor it shatters. "mab! mab!" i hear harry call my name. "what's the matter?"

i hug him, not wanting to let go. "i don't want to lose you harry!" the tears begin to fall down my cheek.

"you never will. i will always be with you, mab. always." that's when we hear a knock on the front door.

"police! open up!"

there's no way to escape from this.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now