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laying beside her in my arms, i make circles on her arm while looking down at her peaceful face on my chest. i plant a simple kiss on her forehead which wakes her up. "hm? morning." she stretches her arms exposing a bit of her body. "oh shit." she covers herself quickly.

"like i haven't seen you naked." she hits my arm. "ow."

"aw I'm sorry." she pouts. she sits up exposing her bare back. "ow, oh my legs..." she mumbles to herself.

getting up and grabbing my underwear off the floor, i quickly put them on and help her up. "let me just carry you to the shower." i offer.

her arms extend out to me, carrying her to the shower she asks for an aspirin. grabbing it quickly i hand it to her. she manages to stand up on her own turning the shower on. taking off my underwear, i enter the shower. "what the--" i give her a sweet kiss on the lips. "i see you can't get enough." she giggles grabbing the shampoo next to me.

she washes her hair and volunteers to wash mine which was a little strange sine i'm pretty tall for her. watching her as she soaps her body down, i smile at her beauty. stopping in the middle of washing her body, she comes up the me and pins me to a wall where we make out. our slippery bodies against each other while we hold closely to one another. kissing her neck, she grips on to my muscles. suddenly, she pushes me away and speaks. "there's so much steam in here." mab whines, turning off the water.

"we should eat breakfast, babe."

mab jumps out with a towel. "you cook!"

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now