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he hasn't came out of his room for about two hours now. something inside me is worried for him but at the same time i don't care. 

i stand in front of the door listening to nothing but silence. my hand comes up to the door but i let it slide down to the handle where i stop. you're not going to open that door mab, because you don't care about your kidnapper.

taking a step back from the door, i head down the stairs to the living room giving harry space. looking around at the walls, i look at more pictures of harry with his family. stopping in front of a mirror; i notice my face. my eyes look droopy, with purple marks under them. my chapped lips, messed up hair from lack of showering and grooming. then looking at my lips, i notice I'm smiling.

actually smiling.

it soon fades away. i've become too soft and too weak. this isn't what i want. "i don't want to be weak or soft!" i mumble to myself, walking away from the mirror as quickly as possible.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now