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im pacing back and forth in my bedroom. trying to process everything that I did. I kidnapped a woman, and stole her vehicle. this could get me into more trouble than ever.

heading towards my phone--well technically, I found it but still I guess you could say it's mine. no one has really came to look for it--connecting it to the speakers, i start to play old fashioned music, mostly from the 20's-30's. I start to relax when I hear something below me thump. "she must be up," i tell myself. "what are you going to do, harry?" i ask.

without thinking, i get up from my bed and head downstairs where I see mab in her chair, struggling to get free. "ah, your up..." i say kneeling in front of her. without thinking, i place a hand on her thigh. "thought i'd have to wake you." god, i do sound like a creep.

"don't touch me!" my hand slowly raises up her thigh, she struggles to move it off. "you piece of shit!" she spits on my face. "don't touch me!" no matter what she was saying, it was all dull without any sort of expression.

i wipe off the saliva from my face with my coat sleeve, a frown on my face. "that wasn't nice, mab."

"you think I would let you touch me when I don't even know your name? oh wait--I wouldn't if i even knew your name!" there it was, the sarcasm.

i sigh. "my names harry. harry styles."

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now