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"mab." i call out as she emerges from he bedroom. "get a bathing suit, we're going out to the lake." her face lightens up.

"wait--where do i get a bathing suit?" she asks confusingly.

i direct her to where all the clothes are. "these used to be my sisters, but all the clothes that are here, she never actually wore." i say, holding out a few outfits.

going to another drawer, i rummage through the clothes scavenging for swimming shorts. eventually finding one, i head to the bathroom to change. once i make my way out, I see mab placing clothes in a bag, her bathing suit on with a loose shirt of mine. i stand there stunned by her beauty. "are you just going to stand there?" she asks me without looking back. "or pack your clothes?"

moving to the clothes beside me, i walk over to her and place my clothes in the bag resting beside her. she puts her hair up in a messy bun while slipping on some flip flops. "i see you're ready." she nods eagerly.

going out in the car we make sure to pack lunch. driving our way to the nearest lake, mab runs out of the car to the water. throwing her flip flops off, she dips her feet in the water. "oh it's cold!" making my way behind her i set everything down under a tree.

"once you're in you get used to it." i take my shirt off, throwing it behind me. mab looks at me. "hey!" her head snaps up. "keep your eyes up here." she giggles.

"i don't know if I want to go in anymore--" before i could let her finish her sentence, i scoop her in my arms and throw her in the water. "fuck!" she yells, her hair all drenched. "i'm going to fucking kill you harry!" she grabs my arm and pulls me in aggressively.

reaching the top of the water, i see mab take off her drenched shirt throwing it next to mine exposing her top. trying my best not to look at he breasts i gulp. she smiles in my direction splashing water in my face. "come here!" i yell swimming after her.

we spend the whole day there.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now