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this morning, i woke up earlier with a bad feeling. grabbing clothes off the floor, i put them on instantly making my way to the door. looking out, i see nothing. i sigh of relief. "harry? why are you up so early?" i hear mab whine.

"go to sleep, princess." I send her off to bed.

preparing what's left of the food, i turn the radio on and slowly dance with myself while preparing the food. "you look funny." mab laughs walking past me to the sausage.

"i see that your hand is healed." i point out to the scars on her hand.

she nods. "battle scars." we both smile.

once again, we sit on the couch and drink some beers. i enjoy every moment of it because i think this will be my last time i'll ever get to do this with her.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now