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my trials tomorrow.

I've been in this cell for almost two weeks now. mab has came to visit everyday praying that they don't punish me with the death penalty. but for some reason, i feel like they will and there's nothing i can do to stop it. if i apologize that won't do anything. nothing can stop this. "you've got company, styles." the guard say as he slides open the door.

getting up and following his lead to the small room. i greet mab with a hug. "just tomorrow." i whisper to her.

"harry." she whispers. "i-i'm..."

i lift her chin up. "your what mab?"

her hand is placed on her stomach. "i'm pregnant." i stand still.

"pregnant?" i sound surprised. she's pregnant with a child that's mine. my child. smiling with a few tears falling down my cheek, i kneel down. "hi there." i whisper. "this is your dad, i want you to know that i love you and your mother so much." i kiss her stomach and rise up to kiss mab.

"harry, tell me everything is going to be alright."

i don't want to lie to her. running my hand up and down her back i have to force myself to say it just so she has some hope. "everything's going to be alright, mab."

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now