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she's right...

there's no way i would be willing to kill her! I love her too much to be willing to kill her. even if I were to scratch her, i would never forgive myself for that. i mean, yes I did bang a bottle over her head, but there was no way she would of let me drive. it was my only option. 

i watch her as she walks into the kitchen looking through my fridge. "you finding everything alright?" i ask, running my fingers across my lips.

she looks back at me, a blank face. "you have nothing in here! what am I supposed to eat?" it's almost as if she doesn't care that she's kidnapped.

"lemme see." i get up, moving her aside. "there's ham and the bread is in the cupboard--"

she scoffs. "i don't want a fucking ham sandwich."

i slam the fridge door. inching closer to her, she moves back a little but her face stays the same. no reaction at all. "listen here, mab. whatever i have here is what you'll eat. you understand?"

"I'm going to my room." she says before walking away.

i don't think anything of it but then ask myself, what room?

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