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i wake up to the warm bed and the sheets over me. a ray of light hits my face from the open window beside me. looking to the other side of me, i see harry on the floor with his journal in his hand, he holds it up to his chest tightley. nows your chance to ditch! looking back at the window beside me, i walk towards it trying not to make a sound to startle harry awake. taking a look out the window, i see a tree branch a few inches away from the window. "adios, bitch" i whisper to harry before draggin my feet over the window sill.

with one hand, i hold onto the tree branch; my other hand holding onto the wall. one foot comes up to the branch, pushing myself forward, i try to get a grip of the branch but fail. my hand falls to my side as i cuss under my breath. "jesus christ. no, no, shit." looking both ways to try and find something, there's nothing--what now, mab? trying my best to haul myself up, it's no use. i might as well fall to my death right now.

"mab!" i hear harry say from the window. "get back here!"

"no!" i know i would have to go back to him since i'm losing my grip. "i won't go back to you!"

ignoring my comment, harry swings his legs over the window sill and hauls himself onto the tree like nothing--this guy is like tarzan. he's a natural! "give me your hand, mab." he extends his arm out to me.

"no!" i repeat.

"mab! you're going to fall! now grab my hand!" my fingers begin to weaken around the tree. "mab! quickly!" i could hear the worry in his voice.

looking down, i notice nothing but junk around his backyard. i look back up at him and think to myself. mab, are you going to accept this creeps gesture just so he could keep you hostage in his house or try and kill youself? looking at his despreate face, i let go.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now