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slowly walking down the stairs in case mab changed her mind i see that she wasn't going to get out anytime so i head down the stairs, my hands in my coat pockets. i decide to take off my coat, placing it on the coat hanger. i extend my legs out on the couch, fixing my shirt. watching the fireplace in front of me, i think of mab and how cold she must be up there. the window has been broken ever since i slammed my foot against it. and it's a special window since it opens outwards instead of the typical windows which slides or opens upwards.

taking my journal out, i begin to write again--about mab of course. i hear a thump above me. sitting up on the couch, i hear something move then a door open. "harry?" i hear mab ask.

staying seated on the couch i look up at the ceiling imagining her at the door, her head peaking out. "yes?"

there's a moment of silence before she responds; the door creaking. "do you have any clothes i could use?"

"the drawer to your left is filled with shirts and sweats. use whatever you need." with that, the door closes.

she doesn't even bother to say thank you. the room above me starts to make noise. i hear the drawers slide open as she walks around the room--probably changing. closing my eyes, i breath in and out thinking of how i came to doing this.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now