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reaching the cabin, i haul all the equipment out and guide mab inside. "a cabin? why? are we hiding from someone?" she seems to answer the question herself in a second. "oh wait we are hiding because you kidnapped me and that's illegal."

throwing the bag on the couch, i go up to the door with a lock and check if all the windows are shut. "it's no use to check if they're sealed. i don't know how to get out of here. we're in the middle of nowhere."

sitting beside her, she stares at the wall in front of her. her arms across her chest.

without thinking, i softly kiss her cheek as i place my hand on her thigh. she doesn't move at all or slap my hand away. "thank you for cooking last night. it was delicious."

she turns her head towards me. "that's all you have to say? it took you so long to get out of that room--what were you doing anyway?" i get up from the couch and almost walk out of the room when mab stops me. "they're dead, aren't they? your family?"

i don't bother to respond. "so are mine." i turn around in shock. "i miss them so much."

"i miss mine too."

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now