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i stand there watching the judge and everyone throw harry down with their words.

harry answers everything honestly and so do i. but the fact that i don't mention that i love him makes me regret everything else i've said. "and how did you get those scars?" the lawyer points at my hand and head.

"i-i was trying to escape when i fell out of the window and landed on some glass." before he could say anything else i interrupted him. "but harry helped me. he cleaned me up and bandaged me. and i thank him for that." i share a small glance at him, he nods.

after everything, it's time for a final decision. waiting, basically sitting at the edge of my seat the judge opens his mouth. "harry styles for kidnapping mab, stealing a vehicle and murder, you are punished with the death penalty." everything around me goes blurry.

without even knowing, i stand up and start screaming. "no! no! you can't do this!" i look over to harry, his face says it all. looking down at his lap, the tears fall from his face onto his lap.

"take her out." the judge tells a guard who walks over to me grabbing my arm.

"let go of me!" I exclaim. "harry!" i yell.

harry gets up from his seat but another guard halts him from moving any further to me. the guard basically drags me to the door when harry yells at him. "don't touch her! she's pregnant!" the man scoffs letting go of me.

"leave before you make anything else worse." he mumbles before walking back inside.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now