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today is the day where they inject me.

but before it happens, i have the option to meet up with mab. agreeing to it, the guards lead me to a different room much bigger than before . mab sits in a chair, her back facing me. leaving us alone i stand still in my place. "i read your journal." i hear her weak voice say. turning around i see her pale face with puffy eyes. "thank you." she runs up to me with wide arms.

i hold her tightly letting the tears fall quickly. "m-mab." i say, she looks up at me. "you mean the world to me. i want you to know that i will always be with you even when i'm gone. and i'll be there to protect you and our child." my hand comes up to her stomach. kneeling down i place my forehead against her stomach starting to sob.

i feel mab tremble under me as she kneels down in front of me. lifting my face up, she wipes the tears and kisses me. i kiss her back knowing this is the last time we will ever share our love. "it's time to go, styles!" the guard yells from the other side of the door.

"mab i don't want you to watch them inject me. don't. i don't want you to see me share my last breath."

she doesn't respond but help me up. giving her and the baby one last kiss, i walk to the door looking behind me. her back is facing me obviously not wanting to see me leave.

"i will always love you." i say before leaving.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now