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what does this guy think? he can touch a women any time he likes and she'll accept it? that's not how life works, man. but this harry guy doesn't even know who he's messing with.

with the music still playing above us, the silence is just old fashioned music. "are you going to untie me, harry?" when I say his name, his face almost lightens up but once he sees my disgusted face, he frowns.

"why would I untie you. you'll just escape!" he takes a chair and sits in front of me.

then at this moment, he takes his hat off and i feel that small affection, but it soon dies. his curls are perfect to be honest and his eyes are perfectly green--any girl would die for this guy. "how could I escape if your going to follow my every move?" he hesitates to answer.

"i-i can't."

"then what if I have to go to the bathroom? or shower? you know once a month all girls have this thing called--"

"stop! fine i'll untie you," he inches closer to me. "but if you try to escape, i will kill you."

"i know you wouldn't." i respond.

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