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she still hasn't waken and it's been 10 hours. 10 hours.

i can't cope with this any longer. i almost want to scream but it would cause attention.

"mab. please wake up. mab. mab!" i sit back down next to her.

theres a small moment of silence in the air and her eyes flicker open. "harry?" she asks me.

"mab! you're awake!" i hug her but she pushes me away instantly. i respect her privacy and stand up from the bed. "how do you feel?" i point to her wounds.

she looks down at the wound on her hand; for the first time that she's been here, she cries. "mab?" i inch closer to her. the tears fall from her face as she looks at the wound on her hand. "mab? are you okay? does something hurt?" she starts to sob almost losing breath. "mab!" i sit directly next to her, my hand on her wound.

she looks up at me, her eyes watery and puffy as her mouth quivers. this is the first time i've ever seen her show any type of emotion. it hurts me to see her cry, i want to hug her but i know that she would push me away;  avoiding my touch. "you almost killed yourself." i say.

"you should've just left me to die." she responds in between sobs.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now