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this morning, i look out the window to see a women staring back at me from her house. she looks at me with a disgusted face then walks off. through her window, i see her talk to what i believe is her husband. at one point in their conversation, she points her finger in the direction of my house. both of them look in my direction, i pretend to be looking a something in the house to avoid eye contact.

looking back at them, i see the women hold a phone up to her ear. dropping everything in my hand i run in to the room where mab sleeps and shake her awake. "mab! mab, sweetie!" her eyes flutter open. "get up, we have to leave right now!" she doesn't budge.

practically dragging her out of bed, she questions my actions throughout my whole process of gathering clothes and money. "what's happening, harry? where are we going? harry answer me!"

holding her hand i take her through the back yard. helping her hop the fence we make a run to a dump where i leave an extra car. throwing my equipment in the back seat, i force mab in the passenger seat. I'm surprised she hasn't tried escaping. "we have to get out of here, mab."

"what? where?"

"i know where." i respond before speeding off to the highway.

just another day//h.s.Where stories live. Discover now