02| The First Battles

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I found Hugh and Lily standing near the doors of the Pokémon Center, just like Hugh said they would be

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I found Hugh and Lily standing near the doors of the Pokémon Center, just like Hugh said they would be. He was looking down at Lily, his hands on her shoulders as he tried to console her.

   "Is... is she alright?" I tentatively asked. Instead of Hugh answering though, Lily piped up with a stifled, "I'm fine."

   "Are you sure?" Hugh asked her, concern in his tone. Lily solemnly nodded in response. "O-ok then," he stammered before looking to me. "How did it go? What did you pick?"

   I held up Ivy's Poké Ball, a smile on my face. "Snivy," I said. "I gave her the nickname Ivy. Do you want to see her?"

   "Of course!" Hugh replied.

   I tossed the Poké Ball into the air. "Ivy, come on out!" A green lizard-like Pokémon with large brown eyes emerged from the ball, landing on the ground with a light tap. She stared up at me with a mixture of wonder and elation, like she knew that I was her new Trainer.

   "Hey guys!"

   I turned and saw Nate coming down the stairs to the lookout, jumping the last two as he reached ground level. I saw that he was holding a Poké Ball. I assumed it was Saber's, but saw that his ball was attached to Nate's belt. Not only that, he was also holding a second Pokédex. Nate ran right over to Hugh and presented the ball and Pokédex to him.

   "Bianca told me to give these to you. Since I picked Oshawott and Rosa chose Snivy, Tepig was the only one left. Sorry if you didn't want him."

   Hugh looked shocked for a moment, but he quickly recovered and took the Poké Ball and Pokédex. "I can't believe that she said I could have Tepig..." His face brightened. "I guess I'll have to call this little guy Flaris then! Fitting for a Fire-type, huh?" Hugh's smile then became a smirk. I could tell what he was thinking. "Since we all have Pokémon now, why don't we battle? I mean, we're Trainers now!"

   I raised my hand. "I'll go first! Ivy, are you ready?" Ivy seemed to understand what I was saying and she looked as pumped as I felt.

   "Alright then, let's do this!" Hugh sent out Flaris and we squared off in front of the Pokémon Center, Nate and Lily standing off to the side.

   "You get first move, Rosa!" Hugh called.

   "Ok! Ivy, use Leer!" Ivy's eyes shone with an eerie glint and Flaris shrunk back in fear, frightened by Ivy's gaze.

   "It's okay Flaris, you'll be fine!" Hugh reassured his Pokémon. "Use Ember!"

   "Ivy, dodge it!"

   As Flaris shot small flames from his nose, Ivy managed to mostly avoid them except for a few that singed the end of her tail. She was only hurt slightly.

   "Ivy, use Vine Whip!" I commanded. While she was still in midair, Ivy flung long vines that extended from her back. The vines wrapped around Flaris and they hauled him into the air with Ivy. Ivy landed on the ground, bringing Flaris down with her and he smashed into the ground, letting out a pain-filled cry as he collided with the cement.

   "Flaris!" Hugh cried. I noticed that he actually acted more hurt than his Tepig... that was odd. "You can do it! Use those vines to help deliver another attack!"

   Flaris darted back up into a standing position, Ivy's vines ensnaring him. Before I could tell Ivy to release him, he suddenly jerked backward, sending Ivy flying towards him.

   "Use Tackle!"

   Flaris lunged forward, crashing into Ivy and sending her into a collision course with the wall of the Pokémon Center.

   "Ivy, get up!" I cried out. Ivy struggled to get to her feet, but was met with another Tackle, this one slightly denting her into the building's wall. "No! Ivy, return!" I forced Ivy to return to her Poké Ball, feeling horribly crushed. I lost my first battle, and it hadn't even lasted five minutes!

   "We did it Flaris!" Hugh yelled out. Flaris let out a squeal of happiness and jumped into Hugh's arms, as if they were already good friends. Hugh saw that I was disappointed and came over to me. "Hey... sorry about that."

   "It's not your fault," I replied. "It just means that Ivy and I have to get stronger. You were just lucky this time!" I tried smiling, though on the inside, I was still sad and a little embarrassed at the same time.

   "Your turn Nate!" Hugh said. "Ready to lose?"

   "You wish! Since Rosa's Snivy did some damage to your Tepig, I say that Saber and I are already the winners!" Nate taunted as I traded places with him. I sighed internally. Nate was always so cocky. Get him on any kind of winning streak and he wouldn't shut up about how "awesome" he was until he lost miserably. I couldn't imagine how this habit of his would go awry now that he had Saber. Though Flaris had a few bruises on him, he didn't act injured at all. He must've had a Serious nature or something. He faced Saber head-on, unwavering.

   "You go first." Nate offered.

   "Flaris, Tackle!"

   "Saber, use Pound!"

   Flaris ran at Saber, but Saber easily jumped over Flaris and brought his tail down hard onto the Fire-type's back. Flaris' legs buckled and he crumpled to the ground, leaving him wide open for another Pound, which Saber again used.

   "C'mon Flaris! Try to use Ember!"

   Nate smiled. "Saber, Water Gun," he ordered almost nonchalantly. I was amazed at how calm he was, unlike Hugh who freaked out when his Tepig was blasted with a high-speed jet of water. It was like Nate knew he was going to win. Flaris didn't even try to attack again, he just lay on the ground in a frightened ball.


   "Flaris, return!" Hugh held out his Pokémon's Poké Ball, and Flaris disappeared into it in a flash of red light. Flaris hadn't even been able to get in an attack before Saber beat him! "You won because I didn't want to see Flaris get hurt any more," Hugh said.

   For a second, Nate lost his triumphant expression and he looked regretful. "Sorry, guess I got carried away," he said. "I didn't think your Pokémon would go down so quickly. Ivy must've done more damage to Flaris than I expected."

   "It's fine, Nate," Hugh said, shaking his head. "Like Rosa said, I'll have to get stronger. Plain and simple. Thanks for battling me though." He then jabbed a thumb towards the Pokémon Center. "Good thing we're so close to the Center."

   I looked down at Lily. She had been watching our battles intently the whole time, not saying a word. "It looks fun," she said quietly, her little lips stretched into the slightest of smiles. I didn't really know how to answer her, I was afraid anything I said would make her sad again. Instead, I gently took her by the hand and led her into the Pokémon Center where Nate and Hugh were waiting for us.

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