30| An Unexpected Reunion

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"Wait a second, what do you mean, 'We're flying?'" Hilbert gave my brother a disconcerted look

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"Wait a second, what do you mean, 'We're flying?'" Hilbert gave my brother a disconcerted look.

Nate's eyes narrowed. "It's what it sounds like. We're flying to Lentimas Town."

About an hour after Nate had gone to challenge the Gym Leader, he came back with not only the Jet Badge but Skyla herself and the news that we could catch a flight across Unova. I hadn't been on a plane in years, and the offer of flying in one again was something I wouldn't turn down. Nate was excited, and Hugh didn't seem to mind the idea too much, but Hilbert was nearly beside himself when he heard the news.

"Why are you so worried about flying? You were flying on Voir when we met you in Castelia, and you were just fine," I asked.

"First off, we weren't flying high enough to encounter any turbulence. Two, while my mind loves flying to no end, my stomach sure doesn't. If you've ever been airsick you know it's not fun in the slightest. And three, planes are enclosed metal tubes of death," Hilbert replied. "I only use Voir to fly in a pinch. Most of the time, I walk."

"Well, you don't really have a choice in the matter. Twist Mountain is blocked, so it's either fly or go backtrack around the other side of the region," Skyla chimed in as she walked up to our group.

The thought of going back through Chargestone Cave made Hilbert visibly flinch. I looked up at him and I briefly saw fear flash in his eyes. It was strange seeing someone his age look so afraid of walking through a cave. I had no idea what had happened to him in the past, though whatever it was must've been pretty traumatizing. He took a deep breath, then let it out in a shaky sigh.

"Is there any other way we can get through Twist Mountain?" he asked.

"Nope!" Skyla said cheerfully.

"Alright, fine. Flying it is," he replied with great reluctance.

"Great, the plane leaves in half an hour and I'll accept payment up front." Skyla held out her hand. We paid her and she combed through the bills we handed her, checking to make sure we hadn't given her the wrong amount. "Sorry if I'm so strict when it comes to money. Business is business, and defeating challengers isn't the best source of income."

Half an hour later we boarded the plane. It was a small passenger plane, able to hold a dozen people at the most. It was nothing like the massive commercial plane I had taken all those years ago with Nate and Mom.

When I entered the passenger cabin, I saw that there was already someone on board. They were sitting in the far right corner window seat. Their brightly colored coat was bundled up around them and their hood was up, blocking their face from view. Though from how they slumped against the wall, it looked like they were asleep.

I chose a seat a few rows down from them, a window seat of course. Missing the view wasn't an option. Nate and Hugh sat next to each other, immediately striking up a conversation concerning their badges and Pokémon. Hilbert took my row's aisle seat, Illie jumping up on the spot next to him.

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