39| The Hero of Truth

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N led us to a secluded alleyway located on the city's edge, completely out of the way for anyone trying to simply cut between the buildings

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N led us to a secluded alleyway located on the city's edge, completely out of the way for anyone trying to simply cut between the buildings. After we made sure we were hidden enough, I had Saber seal off both entrances with an Ice Beam. With the occasional search party of Neo Plasma grunts that came by every so often, we couldn't be too careful. As long as the ice blocks provided a sense of safety— while false —I didn't care how durable they were.

   Rosa and I leaned against one wall of the alley while N remained on the opposite side. I was still wary about his intentions and partially wanted to stay as far away from him as possible. I had asked Soul to read N's thoughts to see what he was really up to, but Soul said his thoughts couldn't be read. They were apparently too warped. I took this as a bad sign and watched N like a Braviary, just waiting for him to do something crazy.

   "So you're apparently the Hero of Truth?" I asked skeptically.

   N nodded and removed a green and red Poké Ball from his bag. "You've already seen Dream, and I would like to think that's more than enough proof."

   "How do I know that you didn't steal her from the actual Hero of Truth? You know so much about Neo Plasma, it's not like you couldn't be working undercover for them or something," I replied warily.

   "Don't be so suspicious of him," Rosa said to me. "I think his name is more than enough proof. Really, how many people do you think have the name N? And for Arceus' sake, he has Reshiram! You know, the Pokémon of Truth?"

   "Like I said, he could be pretending to be the real N or something! Hilbert was both Aaron and No. 18, he isn't the only person who can have an alias," I argued, fully aware of the increasingly hostile glares I was getting from Midnus and Luna.

   N shrugged and put the Poké Ball away. "Your suspicion is perfectly reasonable, but it isn't needed. If you don't think my word is enough, I show you something that'll prove I'm not lying." He looked to Rosa. "Send out any of your Pokémon, if you please. If I try to demonstrate with Midnus or Luna, you'll probably think I'm making it up." Rosa selected Lucky's ball and sent her out.

   Now that I could clearly see what Lucky looked like, it was plainly obvious that she had evolved. Her fluffy brown and white fur had turned blue and sleekly laid flat on her body. Her paws were a navy blue color as was the end of her flat, diamond shaped tail. Dark blue crystals were attached to Lucky's forehead, creating "bangs" of sorts and two strips of fur hung down on either side of her face, furthering the illusion of her having hair. Lucky shivered, small ice crystals forming on the tips of her fur and shattering once she adjusted to the cold.

   "It's rare to see a Glaceon around here," N commented. "They're usually found in Sinnoh's northern side."

   "Yeah, it was strange. Lucky took down one of the Plasma grunt's Pokémon, and she evolved into this," Rosa said as Lucky stared at N curiously.

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