19| Nightmares Evolved

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"Get back here, you Plasma scum!" I demanded

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"Get back here, you Plasma scum!" I demanded. The three Neo Plasma grunts I had been chasing were only a few yards in front of me. I had been scouring this city for literal weeks and had finally found them and I was not going to let them escape. Manage to defeat them and they run like scared Patrat! I would've laughed if I wasn't all-out sprinting.

The grunts abruptly took a left and fled down a side street leading to Driftveil's cargo yard. Oh no you don't! I thought as I continued to pursue them. Flaris wasn't exactly the best runner, so recalled him and sent Nightwing out in his place. She was able to fly fast enough to keep up with me.

   "Air Cutter!" I yelled. Nightwing spun in midflight and several crescent moon shaped blades shot from her wings. The blades of air slashed into the ground right where the grunts had been moments ago, missing them by a hair. I cursed under my breath. They just got lucky!

   I had won my fifth badge earlier that morning and was heading to Route 6 when I heard a commotion going on near the Driftveil Market. When I saw what was happening, I thought I was hallucinating. Three Neo Plasma grunts were pushing around another Plasma member, only the one being pushed around was dressed in the uniform they wore two years ago. What was even stranger was that the person was trying to fight back against the Neo Plasma grunts. Of course I stepped in and knocked out the Pokémon they were using with Flaris, did they really think they were gonna win against me with a couple of Joltik and a Spheal?

   When we were pretty far into the cargo yard, the grunts finally had the sense to split up. Nope, they weren't getting away this time! "Nightwing, fly up and see if you can find them," I told my Tranquil. She nodded and with a powerful pump of her wings, she pushed herself into the air above the many rows of cargo crates.

   I stopped running and attempted to catch my breath while Nightwing purposefully circled the sky a dozen or so feet above my head. She landed on top of a nearby crate and pointed with her wing in the direction I was headed in the first place. Nightwing squawked loudly as she launched herself into the air. She hovered in place in front of me, waiting. Though I had barely caught my breath, I forced myself to run. I was so close!

   Nightwing led me deeper and deeper into the maze of metal boxes. For a while, it was nothing but sharp turn after turn. After my legs almost gave out on me at one point, I resorted to speed-walking. Wherever these Neo Plasma grunts were hiding, they were at least smart enough to hide in the farthest corner of the yard. Just when I thought Nightwing had officially gotten me lost, I heard voices talking a row over from where I was.

   "We were pursued but we managed to lose him," one voice said.

   "For a kid, he was ridiculously strong. His one Pokemon took all of ours out in a matter of minutes!" another added.

   "Inexcusable... If you let yourselves get caught off-guard again, you'll have to speak to Zinzolin," a third voice said flatly. For some reason, this person's voice sounded eerily familiar. I couldn't exactly put my finger on it though. Whatever, all Neo Plasma grunts were the same. I quietly called Nightwing down and she perched on my shoulder.

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