17| The Shining Beauty, Part 2

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Elesa and I faced each other in a special area the amusement park specifically designed for battles

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Elesa and I faced each other in a special area the amusement park specifically designed for battles. It was a hard-packed dirt battlefield with bleaches placed along the sides for spectators. People had spotted Elesa and I walking to the field and those bleachers were nearly packed by now.

   Elesa shushed the crowd and turned to me. "Okay, Rosa. It's three on three and switches are allowed," she called across the field. "You get the first move."

   Three on three huh? Since Ivy wasn't the best choice for an Electric-type battle, I decided to go with Slinky, Lucky, and Bow. Elesa sent out a black and yellow squirrel Pokémon my Pokédex identified as Emolga. I let Lucky out and she was raring to go. Okay Rosa, pure power isn't everything! "Use Growl!"

   Lucky growled at Emolga and it folded its ears over themselves, trying to block the noise.

   "Alright, now use Quick Attack!" I commanded.

   "Emmie, use Shock Wave!"

   Lucky became cloaked in a faint silver glow and charged at Emmie, and she was able to hit it before it could attack. Emmie was thrown across the clearing and rolled to a stop. It sprang to its feet and generated a shock wave. I told Lucky to use Quick Attack to dodge it, and she was successful.

   "Emmie, use Double Team!"

   Emmie spun in a circle and threw its arms out. Five copies of itself appeared from thin air and stretched out from Emmie on both sides. Lucky turned her head to look at each copy, one of her ears raised in confusion. I knew which Emolga was the real one, and I came up with an idea how to show it.

   "Lucky, use Growl on all of them!"

   Lucky still seemed confused, but she listened regardless. She let out a growl and the copies wavered until they broke apart, revealing the original.

   "Nice idea, Rosa. Now Emmie, Quick Attack!" Elesa said. Like Lucky, Emmie was cloaked in the silver glow and ran into Lucky.

   "Bite it!"

   Just as the Emolga made contact with Lucky, she lunged at the Electric-type and bit down on Emmie's ear. Emmie cried out in pain and tried to pull herself from Lucky's jaws.

   "Emmie, Shock Wave!"

   "Quick Attack!" I countered, remembering how Hugh used Flaris' Tackle against Ivy during our first battle. Lucky let go of Emmie and simultaneously smashed into it.

   "Emmie, return!" Elesa recalled Emmie as it was being flung back. "Fabby, let's go!" She sent out a Flaaffy, Mareep's evolution. "Okay Fabby, Electro Ball!"

   "Lucky, Detect!"

   Lucky threw up her shield and the ball of electricity Fabby shot broke apart on impact as did the shield.

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