13| Colress

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The next city we were going to visit was Nimbasa City

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The next city we were going to visit was Nimbasa City. It was the third largest city in Unova and like any major city, it had a Gym. The Gym Leader was the famous Elesa, an Electric-type specialist who was also a supermodel when she wasn't trouncing her challengers. In order to get to Nimbasa, we first had to pass through Route 4. We decided to spend one more night at the Pokémon Center before we headed out.

   We were making our way up the crowded North Street to the Route 4 gate when I spotted a familiar figure through a gap in the crowd. It was the strange man I saw in the park yesterday.

   I elbowed Nate and pointed in the man's direction. "It's that guy, the one I was talking with in the park!" I almost had to yell because it was so noisy.

   "You talked to him?" Nate responded.

   "Yes, and I'm gonna talk with him again. Come on!" I grabbed Nate by the arm and pulled him behind me as I tried to weave around the dozens of people in the street. I didn't care how rude I was being by shoving people aside. Having about a day to really think about my encounter with the possible scientist only made me want to find out who he is. Before I knew it, I had reached the Route 4 gate, my poor brother being dragged along like a rag doll.

   "Sir, sir! Hello?" I yelled. The man stopped and turned to look at me. Finally! I waved my free hand and called out to him one last time.

   "Oh, it's you," he said calmly, ignoring the fact that I had been chasing and yelling at him for the past two minutes. "I was actually hoping that we could meet again."

   "Really?" I was confused. Did he want to talk about Lucky? "Why did you want to see me again?" 

   "Something along those lines," the man said. "But before I go any further, I believe introductions are necessary. My name is Colress."

   "It's nice to meet you, sir. I'm Rosalyn, and this is my brother Nathan."

   "What's with giving him my full name?" Nate hissed to me.

   "Would you rather I give him our last names instead?" I said.

   "I don't mean to interrupt your little spat, but I'm short on time and I don't know when we can meet next," Colress said, adjusting his glasses.

   "We're good! What do you want to talk to me about?" I smiled awkwardly.

   "Could you please send out your Pokémon? I would like to examine them. If you couldn't already tell, I'm interested in the scientific fields, namely the study of bringing out a Pokémon's potential power."

   "Sis... this guy seems shady..." Nate whispered. He was staring at Colress warily.

   "He doesn't look bad to me," I whispered back. "And if anything goes wrong, I'm sure the dozens of passerby would notice." Believe me, I'm better at judging a person's character than you, I also thought. I sent out my three Pokémon.

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