11| A Lucky Encounter

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"Hey, Mom! What've you been up to?"

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"Hey, Mom! What've you been up to?"

My brother and I stared at the Communicator's screen where our mom's image was displayed. It was our first real day in Castelia City, and I couldn't wait to begin sightseeing today.

"I've been fine! It's so quiet around the house without you and Nate, but I've been holding up. How're you two?" Mom responded.

"I already have over twenty Pokémon registered in my Pokédex," I told her.

"I have two badges and I'm gonna go for my third in a few days!" Nate said.

Mom smiled. "That's great! I'm so happy that both of you are having a great time so far."

"Oh, yeah. Karley from the Floccesy Town Pokémon Center said hi," Nate said. "I completely forgot to tell you until just now!"

"Karley?! I haven't spoken to her in years!" Mom sounded surprised.

Karley? Guess she's one of Mom's old friends, I thought.

"How's Hugh been? His mom told me that he hasn't called them at all yet. They're a little concerned, especially Lily." Mom asked. She looked behind us and searched the Center as much as her limited view would allow.

Hugh? Yeah, about him... I wanted to tell mom that he left, but she would've asked us why he left. And if we told her he was chasing a criminal organization, she and Hugh's parents would've flipped out. "Hugh's asleep. We were going to wake him up after we finished this call," I said, thinking of an excuse on the spot. It was still pretty early in the morning, so my answer wasn't too improbable. "He's doing great too! Right Nate?" I shot Nate a look that said, Just go along with it!

Luckily, the stars must've aligned in my favor at that moment because Nate seemed to get what I was insinuating. He gave Mom a fake reassuring look and agreed with me. He also added on that he and Hugh fought a Double Battle for their second badges.

Mom nodded slowly, one of her eyebrows raised in suspicion. "O-kay... that's good to hear. I'll tell his parents."

Not telling Mom the truth was one of the hardest things I had to do. I kept telling myself that Hugh's parents were better off not knowing what he was really doing. "I'll tell him to call his parents later if that makes it any better," I said.

"Would you? Thank you. I'll still pass on the info you gave me regardless," Mom said, her suspicion thankfully dissipating.

"We need to get going. We'll call you later today or tomorrow, okay?" Nate said a little too quickly. We said goodbye and ended the call.

"We sure dodged a massive bullet there," Nate sighed in relief. "I'm glad Mom bought our excuse. Now we can get on with our sightseeing. How 'bout we head to Castelia Park? There's apparently a lot of interesting Pokémon there."

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